VDA Certifications – Automotive Industry

VDA Certifications – Automotive Industry

2024-08-22 By Certifiqat Desk

 Is your company operating within the automotive industry? If you engage in serial production, certification according to VDA 6.1 from the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) is a recognized testament to your quality capability and a viable alternative to IATF 16949. Adhering to the automotive standard VDA 6.1 grants you access to the automotive industry, fosters error avoidance, enhances supply chain efficiency, and significantly boosts customer satisfaction.

VDA 6.1 – General information  

VDA Volume 6.1 was initially published by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) in 1996 and has since undergone continuous development. VDA 6.1 is the appropriate standard for companies engaged in serial production. It provides the framework for a vehicle-specific quality management system, promotes error prevention, and strengthens the reliability and process capacity within your company’s value chain. VDA 6.1 also incorporates aspects of the European EFQM model. Its process orientation significantly facilitates the integration of management systems that are also vital to you, such as ISO 9001:2015 (quality) or ISO 14001 for environmental management. In addition to Volume 6.1, VDA 6.2 (for service providers such as car dealerships or logistics companies) and VDA 6.4 (individual manufacturers and serial producers of production equipment, e.g., machinery, systems, tools, or measurement and testing equipment) complement the regulations set forth by the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

VDA 6.2 – Services to the Automotive Industry 

If you operate a car dealership, a logistics company, or an engineering firm and wish to demonstrate your efficiency to your (potential) customers, there is no alternative but to certify according to VDA 6.2. This certification holds a unique position among providers of automotive services globally. This is because the revised international automotive standard IATF 16949 solely targets companies engaged in serial production.

What does VDA 6.2 certification entail? 

VDA Volume 6.2 is suitable for your company if you provide services to the automotive industry, thereby influencing the quality of products, such as logistics companies, service workshops, or engineering firms. The requirements of this standard focus not only on the quality of your customer orientation but also on the continual improvement of your internal services, such as development or procurement. The content of VDA 6.2 corresponds to the structure of ISO 9001, facilitating the development of your quality management system based on ISO 9001. The German standard was created in 1997 and was published in June 2017 following revision and adaptation to ISO 9001:2015. There is no international equivalent to VDA 6.2. In addition to Volume 6.2, VDA 6.1 (for direct suppliers and subcontractors to the automotive industry) and VDA 6.4 (individual manufacturers and serial producers of machinery, systems, tools, or measurement and testing equipment) complement the regulations set forth by the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

VDA 6.4 – Quality of Production Equipment for the Automotive Industry 

As a manufacturer of production equipment for the automotive industry, you must demonstrate your quality capability to your customers. There is no alternative to certification according to the specialized VDA Volume 6.4 – not even internationally. The regulations encompass requirements for individual manufacturers and serial producers of machinery, systems, tools, or measurement and testing equipment. Certification according to Volume VDA 6.4 can be achieved in combination with ISO 9001.

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